Homestead Consults are booked via email -- please contact to arrange yours!
Homesteading consults offer a one-on-one opportunity to receive advise tailored to your farm’s unique needs.
Kirsten Lie-Nielsen’s new homesteading consults offer both general advise and specific information, as well as the opportunity to share your farm’s goals and have any unanswered questions addressed.
Goose Consults —
Goose information can be hard to come by, and it’s even harder to find information that pertains to your farm’s needs. One-on-one goose consults will help you make the right goose keeping decisions and help to educate you on these amazing birds.
Permaculture Pets Consults —
Whether you’ve just moved to the country or you’re looking to add animals to your homestead, choosing the right livestock for your farm can be a challenge. This consult is meant to help you make the right decision for your land and your situation. I use a ‘permaculture pets’ model here on our farm, utilizing our animals for land restoration and management as well as traditional benefits like dairy and eggs. Here on our farm we don’t eat our animals — but they’re still hard working employees, and I hope to help you be able to use your animals the same way. (note: the principles of ‘permaculture pets’ can be transferred to animals kept for meat).
Consults are $25/hour. All meetings are via Zoom and will be followed up with an email going over what we discussed and including some further resources. For local Maine farms, a live consult may be considered at an additional fee for travel.